Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Auto Stealth: THIS Is the Top Marketing Idea of the Year

Twenty minutes ago I got an email from Tim Pitts at trendwatching.com.

Tim wanted to know what I think of the trendwatching service. What I like and don’t like. What (if anything) would make me want to buy the premium service. What else I’d like to see the trendwatching masters do.

This email is revolutionary. I've never seen this done before.

The email was not a survey. There was no form to fill out and no buttons to push. Tim invited me to write whatever I want and send it back to him ... you know, write a return email with my thoughts and hit “reply. Simple.

Nothing in this invitation -- at least visibly -- was/is automated. This is friend-to-friend, I-ask-you-tell, human communication. That's how it felt to me and that's good enough.

I've just seen the top marketing idea of the year. I'm going to call it "Auto Stealth." It's new-school and smart marketers will be figuring out pronto how to copy trendwatching. It's real.

Now, back to my email to Tim...

-- scrubbed by MarketingBrillo

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